
HOWTO defend yourself against tear-gas

Ayup… (nibble, nibble)

Halloween Hack: Kinect Enabled Portrait of Vigo the Carpathian

YouTube Will Launch Channels with Professional Content

Top US foreclosure law firm threw Halloween party where staff dressed as homeless, foreclosed-upon Americans

Take a More Realistic Approach to Your To-Do List with the 3 + 2 Rule [Time Management]

Crisp tofu in tomato chili sauce

Egyptian activists try to bridge digital divide

Microsoft's plan for bringing its BI tools to iOS, Android, and Windows 8 devices

Microsoft's plan for bringing its BI tools to iOS, Android, and Windows 8 devices

Off the Charts Blog Post: Democratic Offer Stands Well to the Right of Bowles-Simpson and Gang of 6

Portrait by little miss Patria David. ♥

Here's the Deal That Saved the Global Economy, Handwritten on One Sheet of Paper [Economics]