
Enterprise Software Company Jive Prices IPO At $12 Per Share, Valued At Over $600M

no actually in real life watching someone sleep is about the creepiest thing you can do, i mean, assuming you're doing it by standing motionless just outside their window

Craig Newman: Is Crowdfunding the Next Big Thing or an Invitation to Digital Fraud?

Gillmor Gang 12.12.11 (TCTV)

Small Footprint, Big Impact

Bears' Urlacher: Tebow is a good 'running back'

Review: Fujifilm X10

One More Day To Nominate Startups For The Crunchies!

Syrian Officials and Activists Conflict on Vote Turnout

TIMESCAST: TimesCast | December 12, 2011

Congo President Joseph Kabila Denies Reports of Election Fraud

Archimedes Labs Launches As An Incubator For Mobile Startups

How Zynga Won The Facebook Platform In 2009