Brera Delicatessen Now Open!: "
Finally! Brera Delicatessen, the retail outlet of S & L Fine Foods is now open! Located on Yakal Street, in front of their wholesale operation, Brera carries everything that S&L Fine Foods sells wholesale, with just a little mark-up in prices for retail customers. I LOVE this store because it has a great cheese selection, a growing cold cuts selection, several whole hams, pasta, grains, olive oils etc. S & L Fine Foods has been expanding rapidly over the past year, and they are also gearing up to open a new meat shop, but more on that in a month or two. I had been meaning to write about La Brera since it opened a few weeks ago, but forgot my camera... On my most recent visit to S&L, I finished up a large wholesale purchase, and the owner of the shop asked if we would like to see something..."
Finally! Brera Delicatessen, the retail outlet of S & L Fine Foods is now open! Located on Yakal Street, in front of their wholesale operation, Brera carries everything that S&L Fine Foods sells wholesale, with just a little mark-up in prices for retail customers. I LOVE this store because it has a great cheese selection, a growing cold cuts selection, several whole hams, pasta, grains, olive oils etc. S & L Fine Foods has been expanding rapidly over the past year, and they are also gearing up to open a new meat shop, but more on that in a month or two. I had been meaning to write about La Brera since it opened a few weeks ago, but forgot my camera... On my most recent visit to S&L, I finished up a large wholesale purchase, and the owner of the shop asked if we would like to see something..."