Does ageing really affect health expenditures? If so, why?: "Joan Costa-i-Font, Stefan Felder, Andrew Felton, 14 May 2011
Over the last half century, life expectancy in the industrialised world has risen dramatically – and so has the healthcare bill. Is population ageing the main reason? This column argues that while ageing does affect health spending, it is far less important than many think. It adds that obsession with an ageing population is a dangerous red herring that prevents dealing with the real culprits of rising costs.
Full Article: Does ageing really affect health expenditures? If so, why?"
Over the last half century, life expectancy in the industrialised world has risen dramatically – and so has the healthcare bill. Is population ageing the main reason? This column argues that while ageing does affect health spending, it is far less important than many think. It adds that obsession with an ageing population is a dangerous red herring that prevents dealing with the real culprits of rising costs.
Full Article: Does ageing really affect health expenditures? If so, why?"