Was in the hardware store the other day, searching for some light bulbs (well, we were schooled to call them “lamps” in my college lighting design class and I’ve been referring to them as such since) and was muttering to myself about the hideous nature of most CFL bulbs/lamps (florescent).
Imagine those drab bulb shapes are all that we’ll be left with in a couple years when regular bulbs will no longer be available. My lighting design clients have been shuddering over the notion for some time. What a terrific opportunity for someone to step in and fill this space.
Imagine my delight to come across the Plumen “bulb” this afternoon on the FastCoDesign site. It burns 80% less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb. Naturally it’s available only in Europe right at the moment but is coming to America soon. The catch for many of us will be the $30 price tag, but it’s a move in the right direction.