Lampanelli -- Westboro Protest = $44,000 for Charity

Lampanelli -- Westboro Protest = $44,000 for Charity: "

Filed under: Lisa Lampanelli

Lisa Lampanelli counted 44 protestors from the Westboro Baptist Church at her show last night -- so, as promised, she's donating $44,000 to a gay rights charity in their name.

0915_lisa_lampanelli_Reg_TMZ_01Lisa said she'd fork over $1,000 to the Gay Men's Health Crisis for every protestor that showed up to her show in Topeka, Kansas -- home of the WBC -- as a way of sticking it to the anti-gay group.

After the show, she tweeted, 'Thanks to these a-holes, $44,000 will be donated to the GMHC!!!'


