Pomp and policy in Obama trip | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-05-22 - Philadelphia Inquirer

Pomp and policy in Obama trip | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-05-22 - Philadelphia Inquirer: "


Pomp and policy in Obama trip | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-05-22
Philadelphia Inquirer
AP WASHINGTON - Weaving together strands of pomp, policy, and summitry, President Obama's weeklong European tour will be all about tending to old friends in the Western alliance and securing their help with daunting ...
Themes of Obama's European tour highlight changes since his electionWashington Post
Obama brings Mideast policy push on Europe, G8 tripReuters
Old allies, new challenges for Obama tripNorthJersey.com
The Associated Press -The Seattle Times -KMPH Fox 26
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