Cellphones Classified as 'Possibly Carcinogenic'

Cellphones Classified as 'Possibly Carcinogenic': "A panel of scientists convened by the World Health Organization has concluded that cellphones are “possibly carcinogenic” to human beings, Time reported on its Healthland website.The scientists, who reviewed a wide range of existing studies on the topic, determined that using a cellphone may increase the risk of brain cancer, the story reported.“The group, which is working on a research monograph that will soon be available, classified cellphones in the carcinogenic category 2B, similar to chemicals like the pesticide DDT and gasoline engine exhaust. In slightly clearer terms, that means cellphone radiation is ‘possibly carcinogenic’ to human beings,” the publication reported.Said Dr. Jonathan Samet, who chaired the working group of the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer, which produced the study: "A review of the human evidence of epidemiological studies shows an increased risk of glioma and malignant types of brain cancer in association with wireless-phone use."The group found an association between handset use and tumors, according to the report. Additional study will be ongoing, with an emphasis on how great the risk is and what can be done to alleviate it, but some experts suggested a quick fix of simply using an earpiece instead of holding the phone up to the user’s ear.
