Featured Artist: Ricardo Paniagua

Featured Artist: Ricardo Paniagua: "

You may have first spotted a modern painting by artist Ricardo Paniagua when we wrote about the Texas Biennial 2011 a few months ago. We were stopped in our tracks by his bold, arresting and super contemporary, geometric, large-scale paintings. Featuring a color palette of neon colors and patterns that are straight out of contemporary culture, it’s clear Ricardo has a strong grasp of what’s trendy and hip right now. His new 3D pieces take his talent up a notch.

These awesome geometric sculptures are lacquer on Douglas Fir wood and measure 10 inches in every direction. They are such an awesome alternative to plain ol’ 2D paintings, and would look so cool on tabletops and shelves and anywhere else you could think to put them! See more of his work here.

