Foursquare Now Officially At 10 Million Users

Foursquare Now Officially At 10 Million Users: "

After about two weeks worth of false alarms, the just over two year old Foursquare has just announced an important milestone today, 10 million user accounts — up 700K user accounts registered (the company does not release active user numbers) from when it last announced a milestone in May. The company will pass 750 million check-ins later this week, with users are now averaging about 3 million check-ins a day.

The Foursquare user demographic breakdown is currently about 50/50 male versus female and 50/50 for international versus U.S. According to Foursquare, the company has seen 358 million international check-ins.

Right now almost half a million brands and companies are using Foursquare to connect with users and more than 10K developers are taking advantage of its API.

Foursquare also just checked in to a new office in San Francisco and is planning on doubling its staff with its new San Francisco hires which include Google’s Simon Favreau-Lessard, Twitter’s Cooper Bethea and Benjy Weinberger.

The company is also rumored to be raising another round of funding in addition to the $21.4 million in its coffers currently, at around a $1 billionvaluation. When asked if he had any grand plans for Foursquare now that it’s hit the 10 million mark, co-founder Dennis Crowley responded, “Yes, keep making the product better. We still got a long way to go :).”

