Glassware Picks: Beer + Scotch

Glassware Picks: Beer + Scotch: "

glasses.jpg This series/post is brought to you by Gillette. Learn more about Gillette and its products at As usual, thoughts and ideas are all NOTCOT, Gillette is sponsoring us to do our thing!

So many choices! And only two hands… not that we are often using them all at once, but it really is SO easy to have special glasses for just about everything… i have cabinets full of glasses in the kitchen, yet somehow always manage to acquire more! Two of our favorite categories that are pretty versatile (yet still have SO many gorgeously, unique options) are definitely for Beers and Scotches. So if you’re ready for the roundup of fun ones (and a few favorites that are in my cabinet at home even!) head over to the next page!

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