Via Alex Tabarrok:
Not From the Onion, by Alex Tabarrok: The headline says it all:
House keeps farm subsidies, cuts food aid
Here are some of the other provisions which seem designed to be ridiculed by John Stewart:
—Directs the Agriculture Department to rewrite rules it issued in January meant to make school meals healthier. Republicans say the new rules, the first major overhaul of school lunches in 15 years, are too costly. ...
—Prevents USDA from moving forward with new rules that would make it easier for smaller farmers and ranchers to sue large livestock companies on antitrust grounds. The proposed rules are meant to address the growing concentration of corporate power in agriculture.
—Delays for more than a year new rules for reporting trades in derivatives...
Don’t get me wrong, I’d probably do away with a number of these rules as well but anyone who argues that making school meals healthier is too expensive at the same time as they vote for keeping billions of dollars in farm subsidies is not concerned about costs. What unites the bill is not ideology but protection of agribusiness. ...
[Alex has more points in the original post.]