I should be sleeping, but

I should be sleeping, but: "

it’s a Friday night and I guess I’m already one-up for being home, smelling like baby powder, and not other people’s cigarette butts.

I haven’t written in awhile, have I. Actually scrolled down my blog page today and considered deleting some of the posts with no weight, but I wrote a letter to a little girl once and told her never to tear the pages out, no matter how painful or ugly the scribbles may be, for one day they would tell a beautiful story. And based on my limited experience, it seems that beauty is directly determined by both the presence and absence of ugly truth.

(It’s really not that serious.)

(But this is Tumblr, and emo flies. So I’m allowed.)

(Really thinking about getting the hell off Facebook again. I’m just no good at connecting with people on that thing, and so if not for that, then what for?)


I found music that I love again. And fashion that makes me feel alive. So technically all is well in Wonderland, except for one major issue.

I want more.

More, meaning quantity of quality. More, meaning I’m tired of limiting myself, of making excuses, of self-sabotage in business. And it’s almost a joke how easy this is going to be, because right there, in that last sentence I typed? I decided I was going to get what I wanted.

I’ll clock back in on another working Friday night in the near future to tell you how I did it.

Until then —

I pray you find happiness on the internet, if that’s where you’re looking for it.
I pray that you find happiness in a man, if that’s where you are looking for it.
I pray that you find happiness, wherever you are looking for it.
Because generally, if you are not looking for happiness above or within, you’re going to need all the prayers you can get.

I love you dearly, kind Tumblr reader. You won’t mind if I write like you’re not reading sometimes, right?

High fives and Heart Hadoukens all around.



