Lightning strikes the Empire State Building (photo: Boing Boing Flickr Pool)

Lightning strikes the Empire State Building (photo: Boing Boing Flickr Pool): "5817408342_464c5be58e_b.jpg

Photographer and Boing Boing reader Dan Nguyen took this shot, and explains...

BOOM! Actually, it didn't sound that impressive. Hope everyone was OK at the Empire State Building. From the 68th floor of the Top of the Rock, during a summer storm. No tripod used, just holding the camera tight to my face and shooting bursts until I got lucky.

He wrote a blog post about it here, and has a Flickr set of other shots from the same storm here. Nice capture, Dan! And thanks for sharing it in the Boing Boing Flickr pool.

(Image: Lightning strikes the Empire State Building, a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (2.0) image from zokuga's photostream)

