NY Times Poll: 89% of Americans view homeownership as important part of the American dream

NY Times Poll: 89% of Americans view homeownership as important part of the American dream: "No 'hate' for housing here ...

From David Streitfeld and Megan Thee-Brenan at the NY Times: Despite Fears, Owning Home Retains Allure, Poll Shows

Nearly nine in 10 Americans say homeownership is an important part of the American dream, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
Here are the poll results. Unfortunately there is no history for this polling question. The question asked was: 'How important a part of the American dream is owning a home – is it a very important part of the American dream, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important?'

55% said important and another 34% said 'somewhat important'.

There are a series of new questions on housing (see questions 31 through 61). As an example, Question 54: 'In the last three years, have you delayed selling your house because you are waiting for the housing market to improve, or are you not interested in selling your house now?'

Delayed 10%

Not interested 88%

NA 2%

That might indicate a fairly large number of homeowners are 'waiting for a better market'.

