Popular cameras according to Flickr

Popular cameras according to Flickr: "

With the millions of Flickr users out there, it’s a really nice sampling to see what are the cameras most people are using. You see when you upload your photos to Flickr, it will also store the photos’ tags including the camera that was used.

So here are the top cameras for the past year according to the huge Flickr community.

Consistently at the top is the oldie but still goodie, Nikon D90 prosumer DSLR, but the trend is moving towards the iPhone 4 which is unsurprising being one of the phones that has a really good camera. Third and slowly declining is the bang-for-buck professional-grade Canon EOS 5D Mark II. The decline maybe caused by professional photographers shying away from Flickr in favor of pro-friendly photosharing sites.

Now let’s take a look at point-and-shoot cameras and see which brand leads the pack.

Well would you look at that. Flickr is dominated by Canon users. The 8-megapixel Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS was popular for a long time but it’s already on the decline probably in favor of newer and higher-megapixel cameras out there. Rising up is the compact yet powerful PowerShot S95. This proves that the S90 didn’t took off but Canon was able to correct things with the S95.

How about cameraphones? Flickr also has data for those.

Now why is Apple dominating this category? There are plenty of good cameraphones out there made by other manufacturers. I wouldn’t use this as a baseline to see which cameraphone is the most popular. I would chalk this to the iPhone being a consumer-friendly product with a lot of users who love to shoot and upload to Flickr. Or maybe because Android users would rather upload to Picasa which is readily available since it’s also a Google service.

This is by no means an indication of what are the best cameras are out there. It just shows what most Flickr users are using. You have to understand that a bulk of these users are your ordinary photographers who just want a platform to share their pictures which doesn’t really translate to great shots. So don’t feel bad if your Panasonic LX3 didn’t make the list. Now if Facebook can also get and store tags from photos.

