Coroflot Genius Gallery - Where A/C Means Aptitude for Creativity

Coroflot Genius Gallery - Where A/C Means Aptitude for Creativity: "


It's hard to believe that we're already five weeks into the Coroflot Genius Gallery... but then again, summer always seems to fly by. It might just be the sweltering weather talking, but Coroflot members are bringing the heat as always. Our picks this week range from Diego Fernandez's elegant drawings to Ben King's surprisingly imaginative medical concepts, not to mention dozens of other exemplary works from six other members in this week's gallery:


Diego Fernandez (Buenos Aires, Argentina) - Diego captures the beauty of his subjects with just a touch of artistic license.

Negura Nicolae (IASI, Romania) - Negura combines traditional draftsmanship with a graphic designer's sense of pattern and layout.


Ben King (Edmonton, AB) - As an industrial designer working in the 'wacky world of reconstructive medicine,' Ben comes up with clever solutions that make a difference.

Miguel Sanchez (Requena, Spain) - Miguel is the industrial designer's designer, rendering his brilliant concepts


Zsolt Vidak (Budapest, Hungary) - Zsolt's superb linework is nicely complemented by a vibrant pop palette.

Jeff Owens (Athens, GA) - Jeff's illustrative work stands out for his bold aesthetic and sense of humor.


Sabino Leerentveld (Rotterdam, Netherlands) - Sabino's eye-popping vehicle designs look ready to drive off the screen.

Aleksandar Stojsic (Srbobran / Novi Sad, Yugoslavia) - Aleksandar creates playful cartoons, illustrations and graphic design in his colorful signature style.

Remember, we're accepting submissions for another month: even if you don't see your name turn up next Monday, rest assured that we thoroughly review each and every portfolio and may consider your work for future editions of the Genius Gallery, the good ol' Member Gallery or even Featured Portfolios or Flotspotting. Submit your work today!


