How Intel Plans to Get to $28

How Intel Plans to Get to $28: "

The following commentary comes from an independent investor or market observer as part of TheStreet's guest contributor program, which is separate from the company's news coverage.

NEW YORK (Trefis) --

A surprise element during Intel's earnings announcement was that despite some weakness in the PC market, partially due to cannibalization by tablets, Intel's revenue growth in second-quarter 2011 and guidance for next quarter remain solid. Intel reported that the enterprise PC refresh cycle is helping drive up average selling prices and that emerging markets demand for higher-end chips is increasing.

Intel's rival AMD reported Friday, and we saw improvements in its business line. Below we take a quick look at what's happening at Intel and what to watch ahead.
Our price estimate for Intel stands at $28, implying a premium of more than 20% to the market price....

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