Nicole Richie is said to be joining Jessica Simpson and Elle Macpherson on NBC's forthcoming fashion reality show Fashion Star, reports 'Page Six.' Like Simpson and Macpherson, Richie has parlayed her celebrity into an accessibly priced clothing line, Winter Kate, which fits Fashion Star's premise of focusing on clothes that can be sold at the mass consumer level. Sources say that Richie will act as a judge, which seems to conflict with NBC's previous statements that the contestants will be chosen purely on the basis of viewer popularity; Americans will be able to vote for their favorite pieces by actually buying them online, thus proving their mass desirability (the show's winner will be awarded with a multimillion-dollar contract with a yet-to-be-named major retailer). NBC hasn't yet weighed in on the rumor, so chances are Richie might just be another 'celebrity mentor' like Simpson, who will provide words of mass-marketing wisdom to the designer contestants. The show's air date is still undetermined.
Fashion judge [Page Six/NYP]
Related: Jessica Simpson Will Mentor Up-and-Coming Designers on Fashion Star
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Filed Under: slash jobs, celebrities who design, elle macpherson, fashion star, jessica simpson, nicole richie