Royal Watch: Knits Sans Bag

Royal Watch: Knits Sans Bag: "
Knits are really the most difficult material (is it considered material or fabric) to work with/ wear-- at least they are with me. It can be the most unflattering to wear, but if you have the right body proportions, it could work well for you.

The Duchess wore a knit dress today. Something that would have reminded me of the old days when one would wear such to play tennis.

Though the dress looks wonderful on her, I think it's already safe to say that she is too thin. Now if she were a fashion model, such body would have been acceptable if not the norm, but being a Royal is not the same as being a fashion model. So, I honestly think she can spare a few more pounds. Don't you think? That said, she is still beautiful!

Oh and I'd love to see her carry some Lulu Guinness bags in the near future. Lulu's quirky bags would do well to update the Duchess' otherwise conservative/ fairly safe choices. I just might add a Lulu Guinness Lipstick Red Snakeskin Lips Clutch to go with her outfit above.

You know, to throw off her very traditional- styled dress :) I mean, she's very young, so she is allowed to inject some fun in her ensemble. Go, Duchess! Give the fashion folk a little something more to talk about :)

Oh and while the Duchess carried an Anya Hindmarch fan clutch during Canada Day, I want to add that Lulu Guinness also has the fan clutch like this one:

Lulu Guinness Black Sophie Fan Clutch

Plus, if I'm not mistaken, Lulu designed hers first :)

