${title}@*(!))##)!): A's-Yanks Gamer

${title}@*(!))##)!): A's-Yanks Gamer: "

Anyone else think the Yanks might need to add a bat at the trade deadline? Derek Jeter is the DH today. So what's the point of Jorge Posada? The Yanks went down 1-2-3 in the first. They will do that in innings 2,3,4,5,6 et al. In other words, odds are we're going to see history at the stadium today. Oh yeah, Andruw Jones, post-April Russell Martin, Eduardo Nunez, the immortal Brandon Laird and yours truly(!) are set to strike out against Gio Gonzalez.


(The Yanks are really closer to the Rays than the Sox, despite what the records say).

Go Yanks!

