Vancouver and Seattle Tips… Please?? :)

Vancouver and Seattle Tips… Please?? :): "There is a chance that we will be able to visit the Pacific Northwest Coast of the U.S. and just across the border in Canada in the late summer or early Fall, and Mrs. MM and Marketman would appreciate some advice and tips from Marketmanila residents in those areas... What do we just have to try, eat, visit, see, do, experience if we only had two days each in Vancouver and Seattle? I realize it isn't enough time in either wonderful city, but your tips for getting the most out of 48 hours would be truly appreciated. Thank you!

P.S. Is it possible for foreigners (Pinoys) to rent a car in Vancouver and drive down to Seattle, leaving the vehicle off in Seattle? Or are you not allowed to do that if you cross borders? If that isn't possible, is there an easy bus or train service between Vancouver and Seattle? Thanks."
