The World Is An Internet Startup Now

The World Is An Internet Startup Now: "peepstalkinweb2.png

(image) Last night I got to throw a party, and from time to time, that's a pretty fun thing to do. To help us think through the program and theme of the Web 2 Summit this Fall, we invited a small group of influential folks in the Bay area to a restaurant in San Francisco, fed them drinks and snacks, and invited their input. (Here are some pics if you want to see the crowd.)

Nothing beats face to face, semi-serendipitous conversation. You always learn something new, and the amount of knowledge that can be shared in even a few minutes of face time simply cannot be replicated with technology, social media, or even a long form post like this one. I always find myself reinvigorated after spending an evening in a room full of smart folks, and last night was certainly no exception. In fact, about halfway through, as I watched several of my close friends from my home turf of Marin mingling with the crowd, I realized something: The whole world is an Internet startup now.

Let me try to explain.

Back even five years ago, our industry was dominated by people who considered themselves a select breed of financier and entrepreneur - they were Internet startup folk. I considered myself one of them, of course, but I also kept a bit apart - it's one reason I live up in Marin, and not down in the Silicon Valley. Why did I do that? I am not entirely sure, other than I wasn't certain I wanted to be fully immersed in the neck-deep culture of the Valley, which can at times be a bit incestuous. I wanted to be part of the 'rest of the world' even as I reveled in the extraordinary culture of Internet startup land.

Part of living up here in Marin is meeting and befriending smart folks who have pretty much nothing to do with my business. In the past ten years, I've become good friends with real estate developers, investment bankers (and not ones who take Internet companies public), musicians, artists, and doctors. When we first connected, I was always 'the Internet guy' in the room. And that was that.

But as I scanned the room last night and watched those friends of mine, I realized that each of them was now involved in an Internet startup in some way or another. I then thought about the rest of my Marin pals, and realized that nearly every one of them is either running or considering running an Internet startup. Only thing is, to them it's not about 'starting an Internet company.' Instead, it's about innovating in their chosen field. And to do so, they of course are leveraging the Internet as platform. The world is pivoting, and the axis is the industry we've built. This is what we meant when we chose 'Web Meets World' for the theme of the 2008 Web 2 Summit, but it's really happening now, at least in my world. I'm curious if it's happening in yours.

A few examples - though I have to keep the details cloudy, as I can't breach my friends' confidence. One of my pals, let's call him Jack, is a highly successful banker specializing in buying and selling other banks. But he's an artist in his soul, and has a friend who is a talented photographer. Together they've cooked up a startlingly new approach to commercial consumer photography, including a retail concept and, of course, a fully integrated digital and social media component. Jack is now an Internet startup guy.

Another pal is a doctor. We'll call him Dr. Smith. Smith is a true leader in his field, redefining standards of medical practice. He often gives speeches on what's broken in the medical world, and holds salons where some of the most interesting minds in medicine hold forth on any number of mind bending topics. For the past year or so, Smith has been working on a major problem: How to get people to understand the basics of nutrition, and engage with their own diets in ways that might break the cycle of disease driven by poor eating habits. He's got a genius answer to that question, and now, Smith is an Internet startup guy as well.

Dan, another anonymized pal of mine, made his name in real estate. Two years ago he effectively retired, having made enough money several times over to live a very good life and never have to work again. But Dan is a restless soul, and he's also a bit haunted by the loss of his father to a poorly understood but quite well known neurological disease. He's dedicated his life to supporting new approaches to research in the field, and the work he's funded is tantalizingly close to a breakthrough. It's an entirely new framework for understanding the illness, one that isn't easy to grok if you're a layman (as he was when he started). As I listened to him explain the work, I had a very strong sense of deja vu. Dan was an Internet startup guy now, pitching me his new approach to disrupting a sclerotic industry (in this case, the foundation-driven research institutes and their kissing cousins, the pharmaceutical companies.). It may work, it may not, but he's going to go for it. To raise funds for his new approach, Dan is talking to angels and VCs, and developing a new model for profiting from drug compounds that may come out of the research he's funded. In short, Dan's appropriated the Internet's core funding process to try to solve for one of the most obstinate problems in health.

I could go on. There's the award winning filmmaker and his musician/producer partner who are creating mind-blowing next generation online games. The agency creative who's won every traditional advertising prize on the planet, and is now obsessed with digital. And on and on and on....

I guess my point is this: The Internet no longer belongs to the young tech genius with a great idea and the means to execute it online. Innovation on the Internet now belongs to the world, and that is perhaps the most exciting thing about this space. It's attracting not just the 'next Mark Zuckerberg,' but also thousands of super smart innovators from every field imaginable, each of whom brings extraordinary insights and drive to play. And that's another reason I love this industry, because, in the end, it's not a singular business. It now encapsulates the human narrative, writ very large.

What a great story. Does it resonate with you? Do you have examples like mine? I'd love to hear them.

