Big news in DIY publishing today: Our old pals at Instructables have been acquired by Autodesk, Inc., makers of leading 3D design software packages AutoCAD, Maya, and 3ds Max, as well as the new freely-distributed SketchUp-killer 123D CAD. From the Autodesk press release:
Autodesk believes that the acquisition will assist makers of all types by linking Instructables’ vibrant online community to Autodesk software tools and services, such as SketchBook, 123D and Homestyler that allow anyone to explore design ideas and bring them to life.
From the Instructables blog:
Autodesk is a great cultural fit for Instructables. They make tools for creative people: they’re the world leader in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software. Even if you don’t recognize the name Autodesk, their software has powered the movies you watch, and designed the cars you drive and the buildings you work in.
Instructables has set up a feedback page where users can post their reactions and ideas about how Autodesk’s resources should be used to improve their site.
Congratulations, folks, from all of us here at MAKE!