Back in 2005, we showed you a neat site called Boz Adventures, built by Nathan Poeppelman. Boz Adventures included a database of roller coasters around the world.That site closed earlier this year, but Nathan is back with a new, larger site called Attraction Seeker. With roughly 6,500 geo-referenced attractions in its database, it can be quite a useful tool if you're looking for something to do.
One of the best features of the site is their Google Earth Plug-in interface, which allows you to browse all of the content directly on their site. You can also download a netwok link KML file
to see all of the attractions in Google Earth.
It also has some nice features that allow you to sign-in and track places that you visit so you can keep up with where you've been and where you still want to go. It's certainly a solid upgrade from the old Boz Adventures site, and should be very handy if you're travelling to a new area and need to find something to do.