Handy knots printable {Action Pack 4}

Handy knots printable {Action Pack 4}: "

Knot tying is a basic & essential life skill. There are lots of different kinds of knots that are useful for different purposes. Learning the basic knots is not only kinda cool & interesting but could one day even save your life! This extract from issue 4 of the Great Outdoors Action Pack we show you how to tie seven different useful knots and explain what you can use them for.

We also provide a handy printable knot guide that you can print out and get laminated to keep in your utility belt. So grab your rope (that you keep in your utility belt – tutorial in Issue 4) and practice these knots when you have a spare moment – a great campfire activity too!

7 Essential knots handy guide: Print out this handy guide. Cut out each square and, if you can, laminate them. Then punch a hole through each corner and tie them together with some string or a key ring loop and store in your utility belt.

DOWNLOAD PDF KNOT GUIDE with handy printable HERE

{Note if you purchased issue 4 of the Action Pack in June – please download this section on knot tying as there was a minor mistake in one of the illustrations – this has now been corrected – sorry for any confusion}Similar Posts:

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