The New Retirement Plan: No Retirement

The New Retirement Plan: No Retirement: From Rachel Ensign at the WSJ: For Many Seniors, There May Be No Retirement

Already battered nest eggs took another beating this month with the market's wild swings. With interest rates essentially at zero since 2008, income from Treasurys and certificates of deposit is pretty paltry. ... On top of that, housing prices [leave] homeowners with much less equity to tap.
Here is the survey mentioned in the article: The New Retirement: Working

• The survey found that for many Americans, the foundation of their retirement strategy is simply not to retire, to work considerably longer than the traditional retirement age, or work in retirement:

–39 percent of workers plan to work past age 70 or do not plan to retire

–54 percent of workers expect to plan to continue working when they retire

–40 percent now expect to work longer and retire at an older age since the recession

• Workers’ greatest fears about retirement include “outliving my savings and investments” and “not being able to meet the financial needs of my family.”

Most workers will continue working out of financial necessity:

–Workers estimate their retirement savings needs at $600,000 (median), but in comparison, fewer than one-third (30 percent) have currently saved more than $100,000 in all household retirement accounts

–Most workers, regardless of age or household income, agree that they could work until age 65 and still not have enough money saved to meet their retirement needs

–Of those who plan on working past the traditional retirement age of 65, the most commonly cited reasons are of need versus choice

–Many workers (31 percent) anticipate that they will need to provide financial support to family members

Summary for Week ending August 19th (with plenty of graphs)

Schedule for Week of Aug 21st
