Record Number of Shows to Tape in New York: "A record number of television productions will shoot this month in New York City, reports the New York Post. The story reports that 23 shows will tape in the Big Apple this month."Times Square, the Empire State Building, a cobblestoned street in the West Village, a row of townhouses on the Upper West Side -- these are iconic locations that smack of New York City," said Katherine Oliver, commissioner of the Mayor's Office of Media & Entertainment, according to the piece.The shows include ABC's "Pan Am," starting Christina Ricci as an airline hostess, and NBC's "Smash," a musical program produced by Steven Spielberg that will go behind the scenes on Broadway, the story says. Taping programs in NYC helps employ 100,000 New Yorkers and supports 4,000 ancillary businesses like restaurants and dry cleaners, the story says.