wikipedia oddly insists (five words in) that mistresses are kept by men, but i'm pretty sure i've seen some lesbian mistresses in my time

wikipedia oddly insists (five words in) that mistresses are kept by men, but i'm pretty sure i've seen some lesbian mistresses in my time: "
archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - cute - search - about
August 16th, 2011next

August 16th, 2011: On Thursday I mentioned @dinosaurcomics for comics updates and
@qwantz for chatting with T-Rex
, where he'll reply with a random line of dialogue from the comics. In the time since then the internet has invented @qwantzshrink, an Eliza bot which psychoanalyzes @qwantz! And since they both reply to mentions, they go back and forth FOREVER.

In summary, a fictional character I made got turned into a computer program, and now another computer program exists solely to psychoanalyze it. If you wondered what being a cartoonist in the year 2011 is like I hope that last sentence answers some questions for you! IT IS AWESOME.

(I also discovered @cephalopods is new this weekend too but they are TOO CREEPY.)

– Ryan

