4 Ideas for More Effective Time Management: Delete, Decide, Determine & Do

4 Ideas for More Effective Time Management: Delete, Decide, Determine & Do:

DELETE: What I mean is to remove the “stuff” that gets in the way of you accomplishing any task. It is the difference between being busy and productive. The two areas that this has helped me most with are my use of the computer as well as reduction of clutter and distractions in my office. I reduced the amount of time spent checking email (twice daily) and simply removed the clutter in my office. Since there was less to distract me, I became instantly more productive.

DECIDE: The first step in the accomplishment of any goal or objective is the decision to pursue or achieve it. You must decide what it is you want or need to accomplish in a given week. Do this for all areas of your life and not just for business.

Plan your week in advance. Take at least one hour (two is ideal) every Sunday to schedule what needs to be accomplished in that coming week. Actually write down what you need to do on a certain day. You will find this to be a super helpful way to focus on the present and what is controllable for the week.

DETERMINE: Once you have written down your objectives for the week, determine your high-priority items and accomplish them first. This will help reduce the “I should have done that” game because you’ll have them completed. Brian Tracy refers to this in his book “Eat that Frog”, stating that you should tackle the biggest and most challenging task first because as the day goes on that task becomes even bigger, more daunting and less likely to be accomplished.

DO: After determining the most important tasks for the week the only thing left is to do it. The sooner you take action to accomplish the most difficult tasks/objectives the more likely you are to achieve them, the better you will feel and the less stress will creep in your life.
