Apple Officially Announces iPhone Event: October 4

Apple Officially Announces iPhone Event: October 4: Screen Shot 2011-09-27 at 1.18.49 PM

It’s finally confirmed: Apple’s next event will be held on October 4. And they’re not even being coy about the topic — the invite says, “Let’s talk iPhone”.

In typical Apple fashion the invite is cleverly presented: The date is indicated as part of the iOS calendar app, the time by the clock, and the location (it’s being held at Apple’s campus) by the Maps icon.

Rumors have been swirling about the launch date of the next iPhone, with plenty of speculation that it might be released in September, or maybe announced in September and then released in October, or perhaps that it would be an all-October deal (never before have I seen such earnest debate over calendar dates). The October 4 date was first reported by AllThingsD last week.
