Architectural Handbags: Supplii

Architectural Handbags: Supplii:

Somehow — and this is a big somehow — we have missed seeing the amazing designs of Austin-based Supplii before. And what a shame it is. Don’t worry; we’re making up for lost time. What makes these handbags so amazing? Well for one, their materials. And for two, their gorgeous shapes and designs. From their website:

“Layered sheets of wood – organic, protective, structurally resilient – note and remember Supplii’s Bauhaus-inspired persuasions by taking a form that feels incredibly comfortable in the hand and against the body. And the process remains true to the materials and the goal: leverage the tensile nature of wood to eliminate the need for additional materials. The output is the first all-bentwood handbag, where the wood itself acts as the hinge, serves as the feet, offers the external shell and the interior space, and even broadcasts the brand.” Genius! And stylish! We love seeing techniques and construction methods from one area of design used for another! Now that’s modern thinking. Check them out and buy one for yourself or another here.

What do you think of these handbags? Cool? Weird? Would you tote one?
