An espionage thriller unfolds in “The Debt” flashing back to a ‘60’s mission to bring a holocaust Nazi war criminal to justice. The back-story is of three Israeli Mossad operatives in 1965 that capture the criminal Dr. Vogel (Jesper Christensen) who performed experiments on Jews. David (played both by Sam Worthington & Ciaran Hinds, as a young, then older man), Rachel Singer (Jessica Chastain & Helen Mirren, as both the young and old character), and Stephan (Martin Csokas & Tom Wilkinson, as young and older) carry out a dangerous mission. Apprehending their quarry is tense and exciting; he’s spirited away and kept captive. Thirty years pass when a published book about the mission honoring the agents causes them to fear a long-buried secret of the operation which could destroy their lives.
Filmmaker John Madden directs the suspenseful, taut drama which is highlighted by fine performances from a notable cast that helped me overlook the confusing flashbacks and absurd hospital scene. Location backgrounds in Israel, Hungary and England add flavor to the riveting tale.
Image Source: Movie Muse
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