Frozen Synapse Unfreezes Its Price

Frozen Synapse Unfreezes Its Price:


The ‘Humble Bundle’ tag by this point surely guarantees that any indie games blessed with it have the money hose turned on ‘em. Latest is Mode 7 Games’ most excellent tactical strategy affair Frozen Synapse, which has just now gone pay what you want under the trusty Humble banner – but only for the duration of the next 14 days. If you don’t have FZ already, then I thumb my teeth in your general direction. And also suggest you swoop right now.

Beat the average price- currently a genuinely humble $4.17 – and you’ll get the earlier Frozenbyte bundle (comprising Trine, Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds Survivor, a preorder for Splot and a prototype of Jack Claw) thrown in for free. Frozen Synapse normally costs $25, so this is a splendid deal from a punter’s point of view. Celebratory announcement video below!

