Live Modern: City Cottage/Verstas Architects

Live Modern: City Cottage/Verstas Architects:

Sometimes, when it’s been a particularly trying day/week/month, we fantasize about getting away from it all…we wouldn’t need much. We wouldn’t demand some huge mansion in the woods. We’d be happy in the tiniest of little cabins, on a small little tract of land, with good views and some clean, honest, modern design. We don’t know how Verstas Architects, in Finland, did it, but they somehow got into our brains and picked the designs for this little cottage right from our own dreams! Cute, space efficient, charming–we believe who ever owns this uses this as a little vacation cottage, but we’d be happy living in it 24/7 (as long as it had some strong wifi, probably). We enjoy that it’s on a raised platform, and also how open the space planning is, even for such a small space. The simple built-ins and wood materials keep it light and bright. We love the hidden storage spaces throughout the small room. We love that apparently a four person family can fit in here. Oh to have some land to build one of these on for ourselves! And we love how modern the idea is: being ecologically gentle and building something only as large as you need. As spotted on ArchDaily.

Could you live in something this small and remote? Or would it just be a visit-every-now-and-then sort of thing?

Images: Andreas Meichsner
