Netflix Qwikster: The strange logic of the company's decision to divide itself in half.

Netflix Qwikster: The strange logic of the company's decision to divide itself in half.: Reed Hastings made his fortune with one exceedingly smart insight: People would pay a lot to escape video-store late fees. Ever since, the Netflix founder and CEO has devotedly sought out and implemented clever ideas for running a tech business. In 2006, he launched a $1 million prize to inspire computer scientists to improve Netflix's movie recommendations algorithm. It was a great deal, giving Netflix the work of thousands of Ph.D.s for the equivalent of minimum wage. Or consider the company's unusual work environment: Employees are allowed to take as much vacation as they want. In exchange for this freedom, Netflix employees are expected to be outstanding at their jobs. "We're like a pro sports team, not a kid's recreational team," says an internal H.R. document. If your manager thinks you're merely doing your job well, you will receive "a generous severance package."

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