Chrysler: U.S. September sales increase 27% year-over-year

Chrysler: U.S. September sales increase 27% year-over-year: From MarketWatch: Chrysler's U.S. Sept. sales rise 27%
Chrysler Group LLC's U.S. auto sales climbed 27% as the manufacturer posted its strongest September since 2007 and saw double-digit sales increases among its biggest brands.


Chrysler ... also estimated the industry's U.S. sales in September at a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 13.2 million.
The key number for the economy is the seasonally adjusted annual sales rate (SAAR) compared to the last few months, not the year-over-year comparison provided by the automakers. Once all the reports are released, I'll post a graph of the estimated total September light vehicle sales (SAAR) - usually around 4 PM ET.

The consensus is for an increase to 12.6 million SAAR, from 12.1 million in August, however I think we will see a stronger increase based on recent manufacturer and dealer reports. This will probably be the strongest month for auto sales since April (13.13 million SAAR) - before the tsunami in Japan.

I'll add the reports from the other major auto companies as updates to this post.


Summary for Week Ending Sept 30th

Schedule for Week of Oct 2nd

A few preliminary comments on the September Employment Report
