The CW Cancels Its First Show of the New Season: So far NBC has canceled two of its new shows of this fall season, and now it's The CW's turn."H8R," a reality series about celebrities confronting people who hate them, has been canceled by The CW, reports the Los Angeles Times' ShowTracker blog.The show featured stars such as Eva Longoria and Kim Kardashian as they tried to change the opinions of people who hate them. The program debuted to 1.3 million viewers and failed to show significant improvement in the three weeks since its debut, the piece notes.Wrote our friend James Hibberd on his Inside TV blog at of the cancellation of the Wednesday night show, "After the series dipped down to 1.1 million viewers and a 0.4 in the adult demo [on Wednesday, Sept. Oct. 5, 2011,] The CW yanked the show from its lineup. On the series, celebrities would confront people who passionately disliked them, often with pretty uncomfortable results. Repeats of Sarah Michelle Gellar’s 'Ringer' will get some additional sampling by airing in the slot instead.""H8R" was The CW's lowest-rated show, and served as the lead-in to the network's veteran "America's Next Top Model," which has also struggled in the ratings so far this season.