Europe: Aid to Greece Delayed

Europe: Aid to Greece Delayed: From the NY Times: Rescue Aid to Greece Delayed as Pressure Rises for Reforms
Meeting in Luxembourg, the finance ministers made it clear that Greece was now unlikely to receive 8 billion euros ($10.6 billion) before November.

Greece has said it could default on its debt within weeks without the aid — an outcome with potentially disastrous consequences for the euro zone.
From the WSJ: Greece: Finances Can Withstand Delay
Greece's government has enough cash to continue operating until the middle of November, the country's finance minister said Tuesday, after euro-zone finance ministers delayed the disbursement of the next tranche of promised aid for the debt-stricken country.

"Until mid-November there is no problem," Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said at a news conference. "We have done a cash-flow forecast and our estimates are secure."
Meanwhile, on approving the expanded European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), Slovakia’s will vote sometime between October 11th and October 14th, there will be a vote in Malta tomorrow (Wednesday), and the Dutch vote on October 12th. The goal is to have full ratification before the EU summit on October 17th.
