Help Me Interview Vic Gundotra, SVP, Google (And Win Free Tix to Web 2)

Help Me Interview Vic Gundotra, SVP, Google (And Win Free Tix to Web 2):

gundotra.jpegNext up on Day 3 of Web 2 is Vic Gundotra, the man responsible for what Google CEO Larry Page calls the most exciting and important project at this company: Google+. It's been a long, long time since I've heard as varied a set of responses to any Google project as I have for Google+. Traffic is up in a huge way, state many reports, then, no, it's down as much as 60%. Google + is the best thing since the slicing of bread, Google+ is a waste of time.

I honestly don't think the folks at Google care about week to week traffic fluctuations, or initial reviews by the blogerati. The company is in it for the long haul this time. And Google+ marks a shift in how the Google brand is expressed, what it actually means in the minds of its customers. (Here's my post on that idea).

I know from sources at all companies that people at Twitter, Facebook, and even Microsoft are watching Google+ very, very closely. And we'll have a chance to ask Vic how it's going, and where, next week. So what do you want to ask him?

As an extra incentive, I'll be picking the best three questions from these series of posts (see below and watch for more). The authors of those questions will get complimentary passes to Web 2 - a more than $4000 value. So get to commenting, and thank you!

Previously: Mark Pincus, John Donahoe, Marc Benioff, Dick Costolo, Michael Dell, Mary Meeker, Michael Roth, Steve Ballmer, James Gleick.

Next up: Charlie Cheever and Adam D'Angelo, founders, Quora.
