Herman Cain’s ‘economist’:
Doug Mataconis sums up what we know about the man behind Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan:
That Cain doesn’t have a lot of specifics to back up the slogans shouldn’t be all that surprising. While he loves to mention the plan during his media appearances, he is far less willing to share any of the details behind the plan, such as the backup for his assertion that the plan is revenue neutral, or the even who has helped him come up with the plan. That’s not surprising, though, once you realize that the plan’s chief architect, Rich Lowrie, isn’t an economist at all and is in fact a Wells Fargo Branch employee working outside of Cleveland, Ohio, whose highest educational degree is a apparently a B.S. in Accounting from Case Western Reserve University.
My colleague Jennifer Rubin interviewed Lowrie on Tuesday: “He repeatedly refused to say how much more of the tax burden would be borne by the poor and middle class than under the current system.”