Hinkley Point power station blockaded by anti-nuclear protesters

Hinkley Point power station blockaded by anti-nuclear protesters:

Activists from Stop New Nuclear alliance objecting to EDF Energy's plans to install two new reactors at the Somerset site

More than 200 people are blockading a nuclear power station in protest at plans to build new reactors at the site.

Members of several anti-nuclear groups that are part of the Stop New Nuclear alliance say they are barring access to Hinkley Point power station near Bridgwater, Somerset, in protest at EDF Energy's plans to renew the site with two new reactors.

The new reactors at Hinkley would be the first of eight new nuclear power stations to be built in the UK.

Stop New Nuclear spokesman Andreas Speck said: "This is the start of a new movement. We intend this day to be a celebration of resistance against the government and EDF Energy's plans to spearhead the construction of eight new nuclear power plants around the UK.

"This blockade shows that people who understand the true dangers of nuclear power are prepared to use civil disobedience to get their voice heard.

"The government has hoodwinked the public into believing that we need nuclear power to keep the lights on. But this is totally untrue."

The protesters said they began their blockade at about 7am, with a theatrical troupe who "enacted a nuclear disaster scenario similar to Fukushima", the power plant that was badly damaged during the earthquake that struck Japan on 11 March this year.

Most are local people but demonstrators have also come from Belgium and Germany, a spokesman said.

Hinkley was one of eight sites the Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) confirmed in June as suitable for new nuclear power stations to be built.

The others are Bradwell, Essex; Hartlepool; Heysham, Lancashire; Oldbury, Gloucestershire; Sellafield, Cumbria; Sizewell, Suffolk; and Wylfa, Anglesey.

A spokesman for EDF Energy said the number of protesters was closer to 100 and they had not chained themselves to any structures at the entrance to the site.

Mike Harrison, station director of Hinkley Point B, the current power station, said the company respected the right to peaceful protest but that nuclear power was a vital part of the UK's future energy production.

"We believe strongly that low-carbon nuclear has a vital role in maintaining UK electricity supplies in the future," he said. "As the government has said, the UK continues to need new nuclear power.

"We also appreciate greatly the support of the large majority of local residents, who recognise the contribution we make to the area and the benefits that a new power station would bring to Somerset.

"The UK's chief nuclear inspector's interim report concluded that the UK nuclear power industry had reacted 'responsibly and appropriately' to events in Japan, 'displaying a leadership for safety and a strong safety culture'.

Protesters plan to launch 206 helium balloons – to represent the number of days since trouble began at Fukushima – from Hinkley at noon.

The balloons' journey will be tracked "to show which areas of the west country will be worst affected should a major disaster happen at Hinkley Point".

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