Homemade Infographic: Where Are ESPN's Naked Jocks Hiding And Tucking Their Bits? [ESPN The Nudie]

Homemade Infographic: Where Are ESPN's Naked Jocks Hiding And Tucking Their Bits? [ESPN The Nudie]:
The conceptual problem with ESPN The Magazine's Body Issue leads directly into the practical problem with it. Conceptually, as soon as you strip off the athletes' clothing to call more attention to their forms, you diminish the function that's supposed be integral to those forms, and you call attention to the mere fact of nakedness. Practically, when you simplify away the clothing, you suddenly have to deal with the complexities of photographing—that is, for an ABC/Disney publication's purposes, not photographing—breasts and penises and similar natural aspects of the natural human body that you are artificially pointing a camera at. More »
