House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Also Comes Out Against SOPA

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Also Comes Out Against SOPA: pelosi

While SOPA supporters have tried to present the copyright bill as a bipartisan effort to stop the “theft” of copyrighted material, the bipartisan opposition has been building fast this week. Today, House minority speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has come out against it, too, saying on Twitter that “[we] need to find a better solution.”

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Nancy Pelosi

Need to find a better solution than #SOPA #DontBreakTheInternet MT @jeffreyrodman: Where do you stand on Internet censoring and #SOPA?

Yes, she represents San Francisco, where one assumes very few people support the bill, but she’s also one of the most influential left-leaning members of Congress.

Political opposition had already begun to mount, with Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) — who is very much a conservative — declaring yesterday that ”I don’t believe this bill has any chance on the House floor. I think it’s way too extreme, it infringes on too many areas that our leadership will know is simply too dangerous to do in its current form.” Today, he retweets Pelosi, saying that “If even we agree….”

To learn more about the bill, check out our teardown from a few weeks ago, and our roundup of the latest events from yesterday and this week:

Kill Switch

Now a Soap Opera, Heavily-Backed SOPA Copyright Bill Gets New Bipartisan and Popular Opposition
