Based on the RepRap platform, the Printrbot is a $499 3D printer accessible to everyone. Designed to be built in a few hours, this Kickstarter project includes multiple levels of kit completion – $199, for example, gets you most of the parts except for the extruder while $500 gets you the whole caboodle. It is completely expandable and can build items 5 by 5 by 5 inches, although you can upgrade to 12 x 12 x 12.
The goal of this project is to help put a 3D printer in every home. The creator, Brook Drumm runs Vault Multimedia and he’s a fan of open source hardware. The project is fully funded. All you need to do is decide which platform you’d like to pick up and then you and your entire family can give 3D printed Christmas presents this year, which sure beats a jar of Chex Mix and/or a tie.