TC50 Company iTwin Wins Popular Science’s Best Of What’s New Award

TC50 Company iTwin Wins Popular Science’s Best Of What’s New Award: itwin

iTwin launched at TC50 back in 2009 and now, in 2011, Popular Science gave the device one of the publication’s highest honors. Two years ago at iTwins first presentation, we were instantly taken by the device’s simple approach to file sharing. Well, it seems PopSci agrees. The novel remote sharing device just won Popular Science’s 2011′s Best of What’s New in the computing category. Congrats.

“We are honored & thrilled to have been recognized by Popular Science,” says Lux Anantharaman, co-founder and CEO of iTwin in a released statement today. “Winning this award validates a successful launch year for us. Moving into 2012, we are working on improving iTwin in multiple directions – new collaboration-centric features, strengthening iTwin’s inbuilt privacy & security and making it even easier to use.”

Think of iTwin as a cable-less cable. A two-part USB drive plugs into two different Internet-connected computers. Then, just like that, the two systems have access to each other, allowing for simple file sharing — just as if there was crossover cable connecting the two.

Sure, Dropbox and other services offer similar functionality without the need for hardware — or an upfront cost. But there’s still a market for a device such as the iTwin. Some consumers want a dead-simple access to another computer and they might be wary of the cloud. The iTwin finally hit the market last January for $99.
