“A Deep Human Desire To Make, Mend And Recycle”

“A Deep Human Desire To Make, Mend And Recycle”:

Pt 324

BBC – BBC Radio 4 Programmes – Four Thought, Series 2, Angela Saini. This show talks about reuse and repair of technology. Maker Faire gets a mention and the making / crafting movement is discussed as a counter to mass consumerism.

Science writer Angela Saini confesses that as a late adopter of new technology, she struggles to reconcile a deep human desire to make, mend and recycle with the throwaway culture on which the development of new computers, gadgets and phones seems to depend. Much of this is inherited from the thrifty traditions of her parents.

Four Thought is a series of talks which combine thought provoking ideas and engaging storytelling. Recorded live in front of an audience at the RSA (the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) in London, speakers air their latest thinking on the trends, ideas, interests and passions that affect our culture and society.

Thanks Richard!
