(Founder Stories) TripAdvisor’s Kaufer Discusses The Logic Behind Running “404-Tests”

(Founder Stories) TripAdvisor’s Kaufer Discusses The Logic Behind Running “404-Tests”: FS2 Trip.mov

After notching a spot on the NASDAQ, TripAdvisor’s Stephen Kaufer carved out a few minutes for Founder Stories, with host, Chris Dixon. In episode II of this interview, the two discuss their mutual disdain for the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Kaufer offers advice to founders.

Highlighting a piece of advice, Kaufer tells Dixon a good way for “a consumer facing, web-based business” to capture what “your visitors really want” is to run a live test with a non-working link. Calling these “404-tests” he says “before you build the darn thing … see how many people click it. It goes nowhere, it says broken link to the user [but] your log file says how many people” checked it out.

While the marketing department may not love the practice, Kaufer says it “solves umpteen meetings worth of powerful debate and logical arguments.”

More advice follows – be sure to hear it all by watching the entire interview and watch episode I of this interview here.

If you missed a past episode of Founder Stories, you can get caught-up here. Guests include leaders from BirchBox, Foodspotting, GroupMe, DropBox, Tumblr and KickStarter.

