The morning after the launch of new new Twitter, Twitter’s head of platform Ryan Sarver took the stage here at Le Web and spoke about the future of the Twitter platform, among other things. With 100 million active users and 250 million tweets a day Twitter is now in a hyper growth phase, Sarver emphasized.
With its new design iteration Twitter is focusing even more so on its core experience, and gunning itself up for its monetization phase, something that Sarver holds as like air, “You need [revenue] for living but it’s not the point of living.”
Sarver has said before that the company is now focusing on its core experience, as it essentially killed basic third-party mobile apps with the acquisition of Tweetie, “We want to simplify and connect people with interesting content, that’s most important,” he said onstage.
So where does that leave app developers? Well basically they need to find a niche angle to fit in successfully. Comparing the Twitter ecosystem of the state of Vermont (spoiler alert: it’s larger) Sarver again brought up the 750K developers number he quoted back in March when Twitter dropped the hammer (which might mean that they haven’t updated the stats yet or that the ecosystem hasn’t grown). The number of people integrating tweet and follow buttons into their services is “in the millions.” Sarver said.
“We’re doing a lot of listening,” Sarver said, saying the he spent the past six months engaging with the developer community at large. He again reiterated that developers shouldn’t build apps that attempt to replace the functions of Timeline. “So what are the big opportunities?” Siegler asked.
Sarver replied that analytics and entreprise were two arenas where developers should focus, “We’re bullish on analytics.” He referred to the analytics and enterprise curation space as hot, and brought up the recent acquisition of Radian 6 by Salesforce by $300 million. He also referred a to company called Dataminr as an example of an “ideal” Twitter app – Dataminr is a financial dashboard that can predict stock variations through Twitter sentiment.
Riddle me this Twitter 3rd party devs? Why does it seem like your options keep narrowing?
Pic via @Jailia