It Begins: Coby Preparing Five Ice Cream Sandwich Tablets For CES

It Begins: Coby Preparing Five Ice Cream Sandwich Tablets For CES: coby-meh

Ice Cream Sandwich tablets are already coming out of the woodwork, and it looks like at least a few of them will be ready for CES 2012. The folks over at Coby Electronics have just revealed five, count ‘em five Android 4.0 tablets that will soon be making their Las Vegas debut.

As you can probably imagine, Galaxy Tabs these things ain’t. What Coby has done here is take the same set of internals (a 1GHz Cortex A8 processor, 1GB of RAM, HDMI out, and a microSD card reader) and attached them to five different displays. To their credit, Coby’s selection really runs the gamut: we’re looking 7-inch, 8-inch, 9-inch, 9.7-inch, and 10-inch variants. And hey, if you’re looking to mix things up a bit, the 8 and 9.7-inch models sport 4:3 aspect ratio screens.

Are these going to be the best Ice Cream Sandwich tablets at CES? Probably not — the Las Vegas Convention Center is pretty huge, after all — but they may be the ones to turn to when your wallet’s feeling a little light. Coby promises some “incredible prices” for these things, and the company aims to push them out the door before Q1 2012 is over.
